Monday, September 28, 2015

Human Nature Essay

Human Nature Essay
Are you evil? Have you always been evil? Do you have any evil in your what so ever? Humans are naturally going to try and save themselves it is just something we ar going to try to do. Here is an example there is one piece of bread left are you going to take it yourself or are you going to take it for yourself or are you going to give it to the stranger that you have never met in your life, beside you? You are probably going to keep it for yourself right?

In everyday situations  when you go to the park and you get to the last available swing and someone else wants the swing and you just got on the swing you are going to keep on swinging for a little while right? When you order pizza and your brother wants the last bite of the breadsticks that really like your are going to eat it and rub it in his face aren't you which proves you are evil also this shows profoundly immoral and malevolent which is the exact definition of evil. This also shows how selfish humans can be.

Did you ever go to the park when you were a little kid and play tag with all your friends and there was always that one kid that would push or hit people when they would tag you that proves humans intentions are evil. I know you have seen babies pull their moms hair and then laugh and giggle at their pain. This proves humans are born evil.

In Lord Of The Flies Roger is pure evil he tortures he is psycho and he will do anything to make other people feel absolutely terrible. In Night Hitler is pure evil… he makes people work for him, he forces Jews to be enslaved and he wants control over the entire world.

So now that you really think about it do you realize how evil humans are and how evil even yourself and your family are?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have a few spelling errors in the first paragraph, you exceeded in examples but you did put a lot of questions which make your essay seem it needs to be read fast. Over all you did get your point through on humans are evil. Good job!

  3. Your introduction is pretty good and grabbed my attention. You might need to look over your essay because you repeated some things and misspelled some words. I also like how you compared the books Lord Of The Flies and Night to the evils in the world. Overall this is a good essay just need to fix a few things and I think this meets a progressing because of the misspelled words and the repeating in the first paragraph

  4. I agree with your peers here. I think that your introduction is captivating and explains what the point of the essay is. I do think you could have explained your examples in more depth, especially the connection to the text we read in class. Also, make sure you use commas and periods to separate your thoughts, because there are numerous run-on sentences. Your tone and formatting is well done. Grade: 70%
